child marriage in india

Child Marriage in India: Definition, Causes, Impact, Solution- Eduexa

Child Marriage in India: Definition, Causes, Impact, Solution

Recent Context

A recent study in child Marriage in India published in the Lancet noted overall decrease in child marriage accross the country. 

What are the key findings?

The paper titled ‘Prevalence of girl and boy child marriage across States and Union Territories in India, 1993-2021: a repeated cross-sectional study’ highlights that one in five girls are still married below legal age in India. The publication states that while some States have achieved dramatic decreases in prevalence and headcount for child marriage in girls, “other states have struggled, such as West Bengal”.

4 states together constitute more than 40% of child marriage instances which are West Bengal, Bihar, Gujarat and Uttar Pradesh.

“The largest absolute increase in headcount was observed in West Bengal, representing an increase of 32.3% in headcount (difference n=500346)…West Bengal saw the largest absolute increase with over 5,00,000 more girls getting married as children,” the paper said. The all-India figure of women aged 20-24 years getting married before they turn 18 is pegged at 23.3%.

Read a complete Guide on Modern Slavery Here.

What is Child Marriage?

Marrying the children before they have attained the legal age is considered as child marriage. In India, the legal age of marriage for male is 21 years and for females it is 18 years.

Impact of Child Marriage

While child marriage is considered a human rights violation and a recognised form of sexual and gender-based violence, the adverse impact of child marriage is manifested across maternal and child health in the State. 

Child Health :-

Childs born out of a child couple are generally underweight. 

Ex- 10 infants died at Murshidabad Medical College and Hospital in a span of 24 hours. The hospital authorities said the majority of the children were born with extremely low birth weight. Principal of the medical college said one of the babies was born weighing only 480 grams. “We could not save the child. What we are dealing with is a social problem. Because of child marriage and poverty, children are born with a low birth weight and sometimes doctors are not able to save them”. 

Maternal Health :-

Women who conceive and give birth to a baby at an adolescent age are more prone to post pregnancy complications. 

Adding to women’s misery :-

Adultery, polygamy, forced divorces and other social issues are also associated with child marriages. 

Sexual and Gender based Violence :-

Women victims of child marriage are more likely to be victims of other violence against women too. 

Mental health issues :-

Children who are married off by the parents have no clue about marriage sacrament and responsibilities. They are burdened by the family at a young age leading to mental health issues.

Solutions to end Child Marriage in India

To completely end the Child Marriage in India is not an easy process which can be done instantly. It will take time and Collective Efforts from Every Family, Society, and Government.

Empowering girls through education is a cornerstone of ending child marriage. Educated girls are more likely to delay marriage, make informed choices, and contribute meaningfully to society.

Here are some key solutions to tackle child marriage in India:

  • Education for Girls: Investing in quality education for girls, including life skills and sex education, is crucial.
  • Economic Empowerment: Programs supporting girls’ families and promoting their economic independence can reduce the pressure for child marriage.
  • Community Awareness: Raising awareness about the negative consequences of child marriage through community outreach programs and media campaigns can shift social norms.
  • Enforcing Laws: Strict enforcement of laws prohibiting child marriage and holding perpetrators accountable is essential.
  • Empowering Boys and Men: Engaging boys and men in discussions about gender equality and the importance of girls’ education can foster a more supportive environment.

Take Action:

There are several ways you can contribute to ending child marriage in India. You can do these steps at Individual Level to end this practice:

  • Support organizations working to educate girls and empower women.
  • Advocate for stricter enforcement of child marriage laws.
  • Raise awareness within your community about the issue.

Together, we can create a future where every girl in India has the opportunity to reach her full potential.

Government Steps

India enacted the Prohibition of Child Marriage Act in 2006, establishing the legal age for marriage at 21 for men and 18 for women.

Stricter punishments for child marriage instances being recorded.

Sustainable Development Goal also includes prohibition of child marriage. 

Way forward

  • More emphasis on girl education
  • Stricter implementation of schemes like Beti bachao Beti Padhao.
  • Awareness campaign round the year and to the remotest area.
  • Training young leaders as advocates against child marriage, empowering them to educate and mentor peers within their communities.



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