international organisations upsc

Important International Organisations UPSC | International Groups

Important International Organisations UPSC | International Groups

In this blog we cover all the Important International Organisations which are crucial for International Relations. In this Blog you will read about international organisations and their headquarters, Their aim/ Objective, Roles etc.


Headquarter – New York, US

Membership – 193 members including India

Aim- The UN Charter of 1945 is the foundational treaty of the United Nations, as an inter-governmental organisation. The main objectives of the United Nations are the maintenance of international peace and security, the promotion of the well-being of the peoples of the world, and international cooperation to these ends.

Organs – The main organs of the UN are the General Assembly, the Security Council, the Economic and Social Council, the Trusteeship Council, the International Court of Justice, and the UN Secretariat.


Membership – 190 countries including India


  • Foster global monetary cooperation
  • Secure financial stability
  • Facilitate international trade
  • Promote high employment and sustainable economic growth
  • Reduce poverty around the world
  • Macro-economic growth
  • Policy advise & financing for developing countries,
  • Promotion of exchange rate stability, and an international payment system

Reports – 

  • Global Financial Stability Report
  • World Economic outlook

Working – Quota System and SDR System

World Bank

It is Bretton Wood Institution which came into existence in 1944.

Membership – 189 countries including India 

Aim- Initially set with an aim to have an agency to finance rebuilding of the countries destroyed by war and to fund the development needs of newly independent countries.

Institutions under it – 

  • International Bank for reconstruction and development
  • International Development Agency
  • International Finance Corporation
  • Multilateral investment guarantee Agency
  • International centre for settlement of industrial disputes.

World Trade Organisation (WTO)

Membership – 164 member countries 

About – It is an organisation which was set up in 1995 after the Marrakesh Treaty which was the culmination of Uruguay round of talks started in 1984. 

Predecessor – General Agreement on Trade and Tariff 

Other agreement under it- 

  • GATS
  • AOA,etc

WHO (World Health Organization)

Headquarter – Geneva, Switzerland

Membership – 194 members including India

Aim – Founded in 1948, WHO aims to expand Universal Health Coverage.

UNHRC ( United Nations Human Rights Council)

Headquarter- Geneva, Switzerland

Membership – 47 members appointed on elections with a term of 3 years 

Aim- To prevent and combat human rights violations and to make recommendations thereon.

News- Russia was suspended from council

UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation) 

Membership – 194 Members and 12 associate members

Headquarter – Paris, France

Origin- It was established in 1945 and is a specialised agency of the United Nations.

Objective – To contribute to the building of a culture of peace, the eradication of poverty, sustainable development and intercultural dialogue through education, science, culture communication and information. 

Structure – It is governed by the General conference and the Executive board. Implementation of the decisions is overlooked by the Secretariat headed by the director general. 

Major Reports

  • Global education monitoring report 
  • Global Ocean science report 
  • UN World Water development report 
  • World trends in freedom of expression and media development 


Headquarter- New York, USA

Membership – 190 countries including India 

Genesis- Established by the United Nation and became a permanent part of the United Nations system in 1953.

Objectives: To reach the most disadvanta- ged children and adolescents and to protect the rights of every child, everywhere.

Reports: The State of the World’s Children 2023; Prospects for Children in the Polycrisis A 2023 Global Outlook; Rights denied etc.


Troika – India(2023), Brazil (2024) and South Africa(2025)

Membership – 19 countries and 2 unions.

About- A premier forum for international economic cooperation.

Founded in 1999 after the Asian financial crisis as a forum for Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors to discuss global economic and financial issues.

It doesn’t have any permanent secretariat.

Past, present, and incoming presidents-is called Troika.

SCO (Shanghai Cooperation Organisation)

Membership – 9 countries including India and 3 observer states.

About- It is a permanent intergovernmental organisation founded in Shanghai (China) in 2001.


  • Security-related concerns
  • Resolving border issues
  • Military cooperation
  • Intelligence sharing
  • Countering terrorism
  • Countering American influence in Central Asia

Permanent Bodies – Secretariat and RATS.

OECD (Organisation for economic Cooperation and development)

Membership – 38 members, India is not a member.

Headquarter – 

Origin – Earlier known as the organisation of European economic cooperation (OEEC) transformed into OECD in 1961.

Objective – To shape policies that foster prosperity, equality, opportunity and well being for all.

International Maritime Organisation (IMO)

Headquarter- London, UK.

Membership – 175 Members and 3 associate members. India is a member.

Origin- It was established in 1948 with the adoption of IMO convention.

Purpose – It is an UN specialised agency which aims to promote safe, secure, environmentally sound, efficient and sustainable shipping through cooperation 

Colombo Security Conclave

Membership – Group of India, Sri Lanka, Maldives and Mauritius. Bangladesh and Seychelles are observer states.


  • Maritime Safety and Security
  • Countering Terrorism and Radicalization
  • Combating Trafficking and Transnational Organized Crime
  • Cyber Security, Protection of Critical Infrastructure and Technology
  • Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief

News- Maldives did not attend the recent meet.

International criminal court

Headquarter – Hague, Netherlands

Membership – 123 members of which India is not a member.

Formation – It was established by Rome statute of international criminal court in 1998.

Aim- To investigate and prosecute individuals accused of serious international crimes such as genocide, war crimes etc.

Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA)

Membership – 23 members including India (Pakistan and China are not a member) 

Aim- This intergovernmental organisation aims to strengthen regional cooperation and sustainable development with the Indian Ocean Region.


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