SC full form

SC Full Form: Scheduled Castes Explained in India- Eduexa


SC full form

SC full form is Scheduled Caste. It is consider as one of the marginalized and socially backward section in the Indian Society. SC Category got the benefits of Reservation in India.  In this blog we will going to discuss Concept of Caste System in India, What is SC, SC full form, Which castes are belongs to SC, Positives and Negatives of SC. Read the complete guide to know everything about SC Category.

Concept of Caste System in India

Indian Caste system is around thousands of years old which is a complex social hierarchy system, in which society divided into groups (castes or categories) based on their occupation, birth etc. It’s still prevalent in India with the main 4 Category or Caste System that are as follows:

What are Scheduled Castes (SC)?

In India Scheduled Castes(SC) refers to thee social group of historically socially backward communities officially recognized by Constitution of India. Indian Government makes the list of Castes which are designated as SC which make them eligible for Reservation and Affirmative actions.  you can check SC Caste List here.

According to Indian History These communities are treated as “untouchables” or “Dalits” and discriminated by upper class of Indian Society. Due to which Government provide Reservation and extra benefit to SC for their empowerment in the Society.

Reservations for SC Category

Concept of Reservation in India

Article 15(4) of the Constitution enables the State to make special provisions for the advancement of any socially and educationally backward classes of citizens or for the Scheduled Castes and the Scheduled Tribes

Clauses (4) and (4A) of Article 16 of the Constitution provide for reservation in appointments to posts and services in favour of backward class of citizens which, in the opinion of the State, is not adequately represented in the services under the State.

Benefits to SC Category under Reservation

  • Candidates from this category got Reservation in Government Exams, Institutions and Colleges.
  • Reserved seats in Colleges, Governments Jobs, Institutions etc.
  • Candidates from this Category face less cot off marks in exams as compared to other UR Category(Unreserved Category).
  • SC Category get various benefits from Government under various programs, schemes etc.
  • Have Better opportunities as compared to Unreserved Categories.

Challenges faced by SC Category

People of SC Category still faced various challenges in Indian Society even after so many years of Independence, Still in Various areas of India SC Category treated as “untouchables” and upper class exploits them without any reason. No doubt there are many efforts made by Government to uplift and empower the SC Category and it’s progressive as well, But there is a need to change mentality of people from grass root level to end this discrimination from India.


Government made several efforts to uplift the SC Category and backward classes through affirmative actions, reservation etc. But there is a need in the thinking of people which can end this discrimination to make everyone equal. We all are humans and not to be divided by Caste and Category system, Everyone should be treated Equally.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

1. What is SC full form?

Ans. SC full form is “Schedule Caste”.

2. What is SC Category?

Ans. These are Socially Backward Classes in Indian Caste system who is eligible for various Affirmative actions, Reservation, and Schemes etc.

3. Is the Reservation Good?

Ans. Reservation is no doubt a good concept to uplift and empower the backwards so that everyone should be equal in the society.




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