indian constitution

Understanding the Indian Constitution: Key Features & Principles

Understanding the Indian Constitution: Key Features & Principles

What is understood by the Constitution?

The Constitution is the fundamental and organic law of a nation that establishes the conception, character and organisation of the government of the nation. It also determines the sovereign functions of the state. A constitution may or may not have a preamble.

Features of Indian Constitution borrowed from different constitutions


Sources  Features 
Government of India Act, 1935 Federal Scheme

Office of governor


Public Service Commission

Emergency Provisions

British Constitution  Parliamentary Government

Rule of Law

Legislative procedure

Single citizenship 

Cabinet System

Parliamentary privileges 


Single constitution 

US Constitution  Fundamental rights 

Judicial Review


Impeachment process of President 

President will be chief of armed forces

President being executive head of the state

Vice president as expected officio chairman of council of states

Soviet Russia constitution  Fundamental Duties

Concept of Justice 

German constitution  Suspension of fundamental rights during emergency 
France constitution  Republic, fraternity and Liberty 
Irish constitution  Directive principles of state policy

Nomination of members to Rajya Sabha

Method of election of president 

Australian Constitution  Concept of Concurrent List 
Canada Residuary subjects to rest with central government 

Federation with unitary bias 

Why is the Indian constitution the lengthiest written Act?

Indian constitution is lengthy and bulky due to following reasons

  • The Government of India Act, 1935, which acts as a basic model for the Indian constitution was itself detailed and bulky.
  • Diversity of India is also taken care of by the Indian constitution.
  • The Indian constitution includes not only the provisions related to administration of the country but also related to the states.
  • Indian constitution has special features which are not found in every constitution for example directive principles of State policy, fundamental duties, fundamental rights etc.
  • Various limits, exceptions and explanations have been included in the constitution itself.
  • Indian constitution is organismic in nature which means it is a flexible document open for amendments. Ex- Constitution has been amended 106 times.

Difference between Written constitution and Unwritten Constitution

Written Constitution  Unwritten Constitution 
It is the one in which all articles, provisions and parts are codified into a single written document. An unwritten Constitution does not have articles and laws codified into a single legal document. It is an abstract set of laws.
In the states with a written constitution, the Constitution is supreme over parliament. Here, Parliament is supreme, not the constitution.
There exists a clear distinction between constitutional articles and other laws. No distinction between ordinary laws and constitutional provision exists.
Here the judiciary enjoys wide power where it can declare an enactment of the parliament and an action of executive as unconstitutional and void on the grounds that they are not in line with the constitution. Judiciary here has limited power since it can not declare an enactment of parliament as unconstitutional.
It can be flexible or rigid  It is always flexible as any change can be brought by just an enactment of parliament.
Written Constitution is an essential feature of a federal government. Unwritten Constitution always give rise to unitary government.
Ex- India, US  Ex- United Kingdom, China, Canada 



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