upsc practice questions

UPSC Practice Questions Prelims 2024 -Eduexa

UPSC Practice Questions Prelims 2024 

Table of Contents


1. Km Shankarappa case, 2000 relates to

(a) Money laundering cases

(b) Central board of film certification

(c) Discretionary power of governor 

(d) Anti defection law


2. Consider the following statements and choose the correct option

A. Right to silence emanates from article 20(2)

B. Right to be forgotten emanates from Article 21

C. Right to privacy is a fundamental right

(a) A and B

(b) B and C

(c) B only

(d) All


3. Significant data fiduciary is notified by central government based on factors

A. Volume and sensitivity of personal data 

B. Risk to rights of data principal

C. Public order

D. Governance

E. Risk to democracy

(a) All

(b) Only A and B

(c) A,B,C

(d) A,B,C,E


4. ED has the which of the following powers

  • Power to summon
  • Power to arrest for violation of PMLA without formal FIR registry
  • Power to seize assets.
  • Power to recover fines

(a) Any one

(b) Any two

(c) Any three

(d) All


5. Consider the following:

A. Fog pass devices were recently installed by airport authority for smoother operations

B. It is a GPS enabled navigation device which gives real time information about signals, level crossing gates etc.

Choose the correct statement 

(a) A

(b) B

(c) Both

(d) None


6. INS Chennai recently seen in news is 

(a) An aircraft carrier

(b) Stealth guided missile destroyer

(c) Scorpene class submarine

(d) Kamorta class Corvettes


7. Which of the following countries is not a member of Shanghai cooperation organisation (SCO)?

(a) Iran 

(b) Pakistan 

(c) Tajikistan

(d) Mongolia


8. Consider the following statements:

  • Mihir Bhoj was a prominent 9th century ruler from Rashtrakuta dynasty.
  • He adopted the title of Adivaraha 
  • He was involved in tripartite struggle for Kannauj 

(a) Only one statement is correct

(b) Only two statements are correct

(c) All three statements are correct

(d) None is correct


9. OL CHIKI script belongs to which language

(a) Dogri 

(b) Santhali

(c) Bodo

(d) Maithili 


10. Tankai method recently seen in news relates to 

(a) Pottery designing technique

(b) Ship building technique

(c) Painting technique

(d) Land measurement technique


11. Which recent international treaty aims to curb the proliferation of biological weapons? 

(a) Chemical Weapons Convention

 (b) Arms Trade Treaty 

(c) Biological Weapons Convention Protocol

 (d) Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty


12. The “G20 Bali Leaders’ Declaration” focused primarily on which key theme? 

(a) Climate Change Mitigation 

(b) Digital Transformation

 (c) Global Food Security

 (d) Post-Pandemic Economic Recovery


13. India’s G20 Presidency emphasized the concept of “One Earth, One Health”.  What does this concept signify? 

(a) Holistic approach to environmental conservation

 (b) Integrated response to pandemics

 (c) Interdependence of human and animal health

 (d) All of the above.


14. The “Digital Rupee” launched by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) in 2023 is: 

(a) Cryptocurrency

 (b) Physical digital currency

 (c) Central Bank Digital Currency 

(d) Mobile wallet payment system


15. Which Indian state recently conducted the first-ever test of a hypersonic missile? 

(a) Tamil Nadu

 (b) Odisha 

(c) Andhra Pradesh

 (d) Uttar Pradesh


16. The “Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyan” initiative focuses on promoting:

 (a) Self-reliance in critical sectors

 (b) Infrastructure development

 (c) Skill development 

(d) All of the above


17. Which environmental treaty reached a landmark agreement to phase down production and consumption of hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs)? 

(a) Montreal Protocol 

(b) Paris Agreement 

(c) Kyoto protocol 

(d) London Protocol


18. The “Quad,” a strategic partnership between India, the US, Japan, and Australia, focuses primarily on: 

(a) Economic cooperation 

(b) Military alliance 

(c) Maritime security 

(d) Environmental collaboration



  1. B
  2. B (Right to silence emanates from article 20 (3))
  3. C
  4. D (Enforcement of directorate has the authority to undertake search and seizures, power to hold an enquiry against any person/entity who is alleged to have committed a contravention of provisions of FEMA act, power to arrest for violation of PMLA and FEMA without formal FIR registry by police.)
  5. B (Fog Pass Device recently installed by Railways is a GPS based navigation device that helps the loco pilot to navigate during dense fog conditions.)
  6. B
  7. D (Iran is the most recent member to join SCO. Mongolia is an observer state.)
  8. B (He was prominent 9th century ruler from Gurjar Pratihara dynasty.)
  9. B
  10. B (Ministry of culture Indian Navy to launch a project revive the 2000 year old technique of ship building i.e. tankai method. In this, the ship is constructed by stitching wooden planks together rather than using nails.)
  11. C
  12. C
  13. D
  14. C
  15. B
  16. D
  17. A
  18. C

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