What is diplomacy- types of diplomacy

What is Diplomacy | Types of Diplomacy – Complete Guide in 2024

What is Diplomacy | Types of Diplomacy – Complete Guide in 2024

What is Diplomacy?

Diplomacy in simple terms refers to negotiation. It is an art and science of maintaining peaceful and cordial relations with countries. It refers to influencing the decisions and behaviour of foreign government and people through dialogue and negotiations.

Different types of diplomacy in International Relations 

Cricket diplomacy

It consists of using the game of cricket as a political tool to enhance or worsen the diplomatic relations between two cricket playing nations. 

Ex- India and Pakistan are using cricket diplomacy to improve their relationship.

Vaccine Diplomacy

is a type of medical diplomacy which stresses on use of vaccines and assistance to improve the relations with the countries and influence it. 

Ex- Maitri Initiative 

String of Pearl Diplomacy

In this theory, a “pearl” refers to a current or potential Chinese overseas military base, mega infrastructure project, economic corridor, port or other city or locale of Chinese geostrategic advantage in the region. These “pearls” are designated by U.S. and Indian strategists. The eponymous “string” of these pearls refers to the possibility of the Chinese Navy connecting these pearls via maritime routes.

Necklace of diamond diplomacy

As a counter to China’s string of pearl initiative and debt trap diplomacy to surround India and increase its presence in the Indian Ocean region, India came up with necklace of diamond diplomacy. This strategy aims at garlanding China or in simple words, the counter encirclement strategy. India is expanding its naval bases and is also improving relations with strategically placed countries to counter China’s strategies. 

Ex- India has maintained its strategic presence at chabahar port (Iran), Sabang port (Indonesia) and Duqm port (Oman) among others.

Debt trap diplomacy 

Debt-trap diplomacy is a type of diplomacy based on debt carried out in the bilateral relations between countries. It involves one creditor country intentionally extending excessive credit to another debtor country with the alleged intention of extracting economic or political concessions from the debtor country when it becomes unable to honour its debt obligations.

Ex- China has extended excessive loans and grants to Sri Lanka.

Wolf warrior Diplomacy

Under president Xi Jinping, China has witnessed this unique style of governance wherein an intensive and aggressive stance is adopted both domestically and internationally.

Ex- China’s statement on US’s interventions in Taiwan issue.

Energy Diplomacy

It pertains to government related foreign activities that aim to ensure a country’s energy security while performing business opportunities related to the energy sector. It seems to secure a sustainable source of energy along with using energy as an instrument of foreign policy to deter and deal with foreign and national threats.

What is UR Category and what is UR full form? Read here the complete Guide.

Cultural Diplomacy

Cultural Diplomacy may best be described as a course of actions and initiatives, which are based on the motive of exchanging ideas, values, traditions and other aspects of culture or identity, whether to strengthen relationships, enhance socio-cultural cooperation, promote national interests and beyond. Cultural diplomacy can be practised by either the public sector, private sector or civil society.

Ex- Buddhist Circuit, Celebration of international yoga day, International year of millets, etc.

Soft Diplomacy

It refers to shaping the attitude and behaviour of foreign country through appeal, negotiations and cooperation rather than by force or coerce.

Track 1 diplomacy

Negotiations and dialogue between officials of 2 countries is known as track 1 diplomacy.

Track 2 Diplomacy

It is also called as back channel diplomacy. It refers to diplomatic dealings through non officials such as NGOs, businessmen etc.

Track 1.5 Diplomacy

When both official as well as non official dealings and engagement are concerned.

Track 3 Diplomacy

It includes people to people contact

Ex- Aman is Asha initiative with Pakistan

Border haats on India Bangladesh border

Track 4 Diplomacy 

It involves multiple channels and actors in negotiations and interaction. It is very useful in resolving long pending conflicts.

Knowing These diplomacy can be beneficial for UPSC CSE 2024.


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